
5 april 2022

In Conversation with Jens Rye and Amanda Mompalao de Piro, Circle K

As the world becomes more complex, working with Employer Branding on a global arena can’t be done in a blink. To attract and retain talents on this scale, knowing to whom, what and when to communicate is crucial when activating communication.

Posted by Katarina Önell

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16 mars 2022

The innovative culture in organizations – Insights from Kantar Employer branding and innovation expert Katarina Önell

Can innovation be measured? How should you else know if you can improve your innovation level in a company?

Posted by Katarina Önell

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22 september 2021

Employer branding – the future of work, leadership, and the employee experience

For many businesses, recruitment, keeping and finding the right candidates are high priority post the covid-19 pandemic. However, changes in people’s attitudes and behaviours challenges previous understandings about work, leadership, and people’s expectations on everyday life.

Posted by Katarina Önell

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9 september 2021

In conversation with Jennifer O'Brien - Global Employer Brand Leader of the Year 2020

As the world is “restarting” business and work life more actively every day we had a conversation with the Global Employer Brand Leader of the Year 2020 Jennifer O’Brien.

Posted by Katarina Önell

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22 mars 2021

Hur framtidens företag skapar plats för människor

Till dig som jobbar med kommunikation och employer branding har vi samlat sju tips för att lyckas med ditt företags Sociala hållbarhetsarbete.

Posted by Katarina Önell

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